Orr, M.T. & Hollingworth (2020). Designing Performance Assessment for School Leader Readiness: Lessons from PAL and Beyond. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
Hollingworth, L. & Manges, C. , Eds. (2016). Organization and Administration of Iowa Public and Private Schools, Second Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishers.
Hollingworth, L. & Danzig, A., Eds. (2013). Research in Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership. University Council of Educational Administration Leadership Book Series. Information Age Publishing.
Hollingworth, L. and Drake, H. (2011). Teach Reading, Not Testing: Best Practice in an Age of Accountability. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Recent Refereed Articles
Orr, M.T. and Hollingworth, L. (2023), "Labor market impact of the Massachusetts state licensure performance assessment for leaders", Journal of Educational Administration, 61 (4), 362-384.
Harry, A. G., Cohen, M. L., & Hollingworth, L. (2022). An evaluation of a musical learning exchange: A case study in a U.S. prison. International Journal of Music Education.
Mitani H., Fuller E.J., Hollingworth L. (2022) Attrition and Turnover Among Beginning Teachers in Texas by Preparation Program. Teachers College Record, 124(4): 3-34.
Kennelty, K., Engblom, N., Carter, B., Hollingworth, L., Levy, B., Finkelstein, R., Parker, C., Xu, Y., Jackson, K., Dawson, J., Dorsey, K. (2021). Dissemination of a telehealth cardiovascular risk service: The CVRS live protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 106282.
Orr, M., Hollingworth, L. and Beaudin, B. (2019), "Performance assessment for school leaders: comparing field trial and implementation results", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 58 No. 1, pp. 38-59.
Fuller, E.J., Hollingworth, L., and An, B.P. (2019). Exploring Intersectionality and the Employment of School Leaders. Journal of Educational Administration, 57 (2), 134-151.
Orr, M. T., & Hollingworth, L. (2018). How Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) Influences Preparation Program Quality and Effectiveness. School Leadership & Management, 38(5), 496-517.
Orr, M. T., & Hollingworth, L. (2018). Embedding Performance Assessment for Leaders into Preparation: A Comparison of Approaches, Candidates, and Assessment Evidence. Journal of School Leadership, 28(3).
Orr, M. T., Pechone, R., Snyder, J., Murphy, J., Palanki, A., Hollingworth, B., Hollingworth, L., & Buttram, J. (2018). Performance assessment for principal licensure: Evidence from content and face validation and bias review. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 13(2), 109–138.
Orr, M. T., Pechone, R., Shear, B., Hollingworth, L., Beaudin, B., Snyder, J., & Murphy, J. (2018). The Performance Assessment for Leaders: Validity and Reliability Evidence. Journal of Research on Educational Leadership.13(2), 139–161.
Fuller, E., & Hollingworth, L. (2017). Questioning the Use of Outcome Measures to Evaluate Principal Preparation Programs. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 16(1), 1-22.
Sanchez-Escobedo, P., & Hollingworth, L. (2017). A Model for Evaluation of Rural Schools in Developing Countries. Indonesian Research Journal in Education, 1(1), 18-28.
Hollingworth, L., Olsen, D., Asikin-Garmager, A., & Winn, K. M. (2017). Initiating Conversations and Opening Doors: How Principals Establish a Positive Building Culture to Sustain School Improvement Efforts. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 46(6), 1014-1034.
Fuller, E. J., & Hollingworth, L. (2017). The Every Student Succeeds Act, State Efforts to Improve Access to Effective Educators, and the Importance of School Leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 53(5), 727–756.
Hollingworth, L. (2017). Book Review: Race Among Friends: Exploring Race at a Suburban School. American Journal of Sociology, 122(4).
Fuller, E. J., & Hollingworth, L. (2016). Evaluating Principal Preparation Programs Based on Placement Rates: Problems and Prospects for Policy Makers. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 11(3), 237-271.
Fuller, E.J., Hollingworth, L., & An, B.P. (2016) The impact of personal and program characteristics on the placement of school leadership preparation program graduates in school leader positions. Educational Administration Quarterly, 52(4), 643-674.
Sanchez- Escobedo, P., Esquivel-Ancona, F., & Hollingworth, L. (2016). Intellectual Assessment of Children and Youth in Mexico: Past, Present, and Future. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 4:4, 247-253.
Fuller, E. J., Hollingworth, L., & Liu, J. (2015). Evaluating State Principal Evaluation Plans Across the United States. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 1-29.
Hollingworth, L., & Keuseman, S. H. (2015). How Can They Be Gifted If They Don’t Speak English? Teacher Perceptions of the Talents of Second Graders in a Dual Language Program. Educación y Ciencia, 4(43), 6-18.
Fuller, E. & Hollingworth, L. (2014). A Bridge Too Far? Challenges in Evaluating Principal Effectiveness. Educational Administration Quarterly. 50(3) 466-499.
Hollingworth, L., Sanchez-Escobedo, P., Graudina, L., Misiuniene, J., & Park, K. (2013). Gender Differences on the Concept of Wisdom: An International Comparison. Gifted and Talented International, 28(1), August 2013.
Hollingworth, L., Sanchez-Escobedo, P., Camarillo-Cortes, G., & Fina, A. (Summer, 2013). La Prueba Maya, a Test for Bilingual Teachers of Indigenous Language-Speaking Students. Heritage Language Journal, 10(1).
Sanchez-Escobedo, P., Rodríguez, I., & Hollingworth, L. (2013). Transforming Nationalism into Social Action with Teachers from Yucatan, Mexico. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 33 5/6.
Sánchez Escobedo, P., Park, K., Hollingworth, L., MisiÅ«nienÄ—, J., & Ivanova, L. (2013). A Cross Comparative International Study on the Concept of Wisdom. Gifted Education International, 29(2), 1-9.
Hollingworth, L., Sullivan, A., Congdon, C., Bhatt, M., & Brandt, C. (2012). Data-Driven Decision Making in Higher Education: One University’s Process of Redesigning a Superintendent Licensure Program. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 7(1), 78-97.
Hollingworth, L. (2012). Why Leadership Matters: Empowering Teachers to Implement Formative Assessment. Journal of Educational Administration. 50(3), 365 - 379.
Fina, A., Sanchez-Escobedo, P., & Hollingworth, L. (2012). Annotations on Mexico’s WISC-IV: A Validity Study. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 1(1), 6-17.
Sánchez-Escobedo, P., Hollingworth, L., and Fina, A.D. (2011). A Cross-Cultural, Comparative Study of the American, Spanish, and Mexican Versions of the WISC-IV. TESOL Quarterly, 45(4), 781-792.
Hollingworth, L., Dude, D., & Shepherd, J. (2010). Pizza Parties, Pep Rallies, and Practice Tests: Strategies Used by High School Principals to Raise Percent Proficient. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 9(4), 1-17.
Hollingworth, L. & Dude, D. (2009). Race, Gender, and School Leadership in a State with Shifting Student Demographics. The Journal of Women in Educational Leadership 7(4), 175-194.
Sánchez-Escobedo, P. & Hollingworth, L. (2009). Annotations on the Use of the Mexican Norms for the WAIS-III. Applied Neuropsychology 16(3), 223 — 227.
Hollingworth, L. (2009). Unintended Educational and Social Consequences of the No Child Left Behind Act. The Journal of Gender Race and Justice, 12(2). Available online: Or click here for pdf
Hollingworth, L. (2009). Complicated Conversations: Exploring Race and Ideology in an Elementary Classroom. Urban Education, 44(1). Available online:
Hollingworth, L. (2007). How We Spend Our Money: An NCLB Commentary. ASCD Express, Vol. 3, No. 6. Click here to view the .pdf
Hollingworth, L., Beard, Jonathan J., & Proctor, Thomas P. (2007). An Investigation of Item Type in a Standards-Based Assessment. Practical Assessment Research & Evaluation, 12(18). Available online:
Hollingworth, L. (2007). Teaching Tips: Five Ways to Prepare for Standardized Tests Without Sacrificing Best Practice. The Reading Teacher Vol. 61, No. 4 December 2007/January 2008.