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The University of Iowa Center for Evaluation and Assessment


Liz Hollingworth is the Director of the Center for Evaluation and Assessment (CEA). As a team of faculty, staff, and graduate students, the CEA conducts multiple forms of program evaluation and assessment in collaboration with colleges, universities, and school systems around the world. Evaluators do formative and summative work, utilizing a variety of methodologies to meet the needs of project stakeholders. 


The mission of the CEA is:

* to provide high quality program evaluation and research services to support         data-driven decision-making,

* to train graduate students, and

* to advance evaluation theory and practice.


Project funding has come from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, the United States Department of Education, the Iowa Department of Education, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. CEA services not only inform projects and decision-making but also advance evaluation work and methodologies, including the measurement and assessment of applied educational initiatives.


The CEA collaborates with faculty around the world to evaluate programs and policies.



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